Thanks for your questions. If you're an AutoCAD user I would recommend "EasyGerb".
To get a full-featured free trial of EasyGerb, simply fill out the trial request form.
If for any reason you do not want to convert inside AutoCAD or you require more features, than I would recommend trying ACE 3000 (which can convert DXF or DWG to Gerber):
Best regards,
Simon Garrison
I am sometimes asked to design a PCB for my designs. I do this in Autocad, as I have for many years. In the past the local PCB houses accepted Autocad drawings and supplied finished boards.
Lately some vendors are requesting “Gerber” files. If I continue doing this kind of work I may have to have my own Autocad to Gerber conversion software. I notice you offer numerous programs , ACE, FAB3000, and EasyGerb, to do this. Which one would be best for my situation?