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FAB3k crashes when attempting to open the J5 component package for some reason.

Thanks again for sending the sample file, it was very helpful to determine the cause.

This ODB++ is definitely unique to what I've worked with previously; the problem with J5 component crash is there are commas (,) in the package name:  IIE,1,5 - which is not a legal ODB++ name.  Especially commas which affect parsing because commas are always used as separators for text files.  Basically only dash, underscore, dot, and plus symbols are permitted - see below:

This is from the ODB++ Format Specification:

An entity name may contain only these characters:

o Lower case letters (a through z).

o Digits (0 through 9).

o Punctuation—dash (-), underscore (_), dot (.) and plus (+).

To resolve the issue, 

  1. Import the ODB++
  2. Go to menu:  Windows > Component Package Browser...
  3. Find Package named: IIE,1,5    
  4. Remove the Commas (I replaced with a dash), and press OK.

Now everything works fine when viewing J5.

Here's a quick tutorial showing me perform those steps and open J5 in the component package editor,

Note:  Ultimately it's FAB3000 job to load all manufacturing files (even when they're not formatted correctly).  We'll have an update shortly that captures and resolves that invalid Package name during ODB++ import -- and the force pin number as a Name as you have requested.

Thanks again.

Best regards,


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