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My PCB design has all resistors defined as Polarized (which is incorrect). How do I change the Component Polarity of selected components to Non-Polar?

Using the Smart Select Filter allows you to quickly select all Resistors, and then change the polarity to Non-Polar.

  1. Go to menu:  Edit | Selection Filter...   Here's more information about the Smart Selection filter,
  2. The Smart Selection Filter accepts Wildcard.  In the Components section enter: R*      (Selects all components Ref designators starting with R)
  3. Press button: Select Objects...  (this allows all components starting with R to be selected).
  4. Press OK. (To close the dialog)
  5. Edit Properties of all selected components (menu:  Edit | Properties...)
  6. Change the Component Polar section to:  YES  
  7. Press OK.  All the selected components polarity will be defined as non-polarized.

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