How may I assign Component Step number (i.e Priority) for Assembly documentation?
Simon Garrison
started a topic
7 months ago
Assigning a Component Priority/Step can be extremely useful to group certain component packages while performing PCB Assembly and documentation. There are several methods to change the Component Priority/Step:
Method#1 - Use the BOM Table
Go to menu: Assembly | BOM Table...
Select the Component Packages you wish to change the STEP Priority.
Press button: Edit Selection... or if a single BOM item is selected, you may dbl-click to edit.
Assign the Step values.
Method#2 - During Assembly Documentation
Go to menu: Assembly | Assembly Report (PDF)...
The first column is the Step. Select the Component Packages you wish to change the STEP Priority.
Press button: Edit Selection... or if a single BOM item is selected, you may dbl-click to edit.
Assign the Step values.
Method#3 - Select Objects in the editor
Select any components you wish to modify the Step/Priority.
Go to menu: Edit | Properties... (or Right-Click for Properties...)
Select tab Attributes
Press button Add Attribute, and select attribute: .attrfab_priority
Now enter any integer value for the Step/Priority.
Simon Garrison
Assigning a Component Priority/Step can be extremely useful to group certain component packages while performing PCB Assembly and documentation. There are several methods to change the Component Priority/Step:
Method#1 - Use the BOM Table
Method#2 - During Assembly Documentation
Method#3 - Select Objects in the editor