After selecting the objects you wish to convert to a custom aperture, please perform the following:
1. Go to menu: Tools | Convert Objects to | Flash (Interactive)...
2. Select the option New Flashes: Define by Creating a Custom Aperture
3. Assign a name for the new custom aperture.
4. Verify the Output Layer and other options.
5. Press OK, to begin the process.
Note: In the example above custom aperture "MyCustomApt" will be created and added to the Custom Aperture Browser.
Note: You may continue to edit the Customer aperture further in the Custom Aperture editor,
Simon Garrison
After selecting the objects you wish to convert to a custom aperture, please perform the following:
1. Go to menu: Tools | Convert Objects to | Flash (Interactive)...
2. Select the option New Flashes: Define by Creating a Custom Aperture
3. Assign a name for the new custom aperture.
4. Verify the Output Layer and other options.
5. Press OK, to begin the process.

Note: In the example above custom aperture "MyCustomApt" will be created and added to the Custom Aperture Browser.
Note: You may continue to edit the Customer aperture further in the Custom Aperture editor,