What Dynamic Text Variables does FAB 3000 support?
Simon Garrison
started a topic
over 3 years ago
Dynamic text variables change textual value of any text string. For example, a variable for the date always displays the current date, as set by the system. Dynamic text variables can be located anywhere within a text string. Dynamic Variables are extremely used during Panelization. They are distinguished by the prefix $$, as in $$DATE-MMDDYY for the current date. FAB3000, ACE 2D/3D Translator, CloudDFM.com, and CAM Library support these dynamic variables.
Note: All Dynamic Text Variables are Case-Sensitive and should be UPPER CASE.
New: CALCULATE MATH Expressions {{ .. }}
(Requires FAB V8.6+) Mathematically calculate values of any Text stringinside double brackets {{ ... }} Here's a few examples that calculate the values inside a text label string:
$$DATE-MMDDYY date expressed as month/day/year (short)
$$DATE-DDMMYY date expressed as day/month/year (short)
$$DATE-MMDDYYYY date expressed as month/day/year
$$DATE-DDMMYYYY date expressed as month/day/year (last two digits)
$$DD day of month (01-31)
$$WEEK-DAY day of week (Sunday-Saturday)
$$MM month of year (01-12)
$$YY year (12)
$$YYYY year (2012)
$$WW week of year (1-52)
$$TIME current time
Common Variables:
$$CELL name of current cell (active job/panel)
$$INSERT_NAME name of inserted job/panel
$$INSERT_REFNUMBER numbered reference of insert.
$$JOB name of current cell (active job/panel). Same as $$Cell added for compatibility with ODB++ format.
$$STEP name of inserted job/panel. Same as $$INSERT_NAME added for compatibility with ODB++ format.
$$X x-coordinate (inch)
$$Y y-coordinate (inch)
$$X_MM x-coordinate (mm)
$$Y_MM y-coordinate (mm)
$$CU_AREA_PERCENT Copper area percent
$$TOTAL_THICKNESS PCB Total Thickness (inch)
$$TOTAL_THICKNESS_MM PCB Total Thickness (mm)
$$WORKSPACE_NAME workspace name (if available)
$$UNITS current workspace units. Either: inch, mil, centimeter or millimeter
$$UNITS_SHORT current workspace units Either: in., mil, cm. or mm.
Layer Variables:
$$LAYER name of layer where text is placed
$$LAYER_TYPE type of layer where text is placed
$$LAYER_SUBTYPE subtype of layer where text is placed
$$LAYER_THICKNESS thickness of layer where text is placed (inch)
$$LAYER_THICKNESS_MM thickness of layer where text is placed (mm)
$$LAYERS_TOTAL total count of metal layers for active cell
$$STACKUP_TOTAL total count of metal and dielectric layers for active cell
Object Variables:
$$WIDTH Object Width ( inch )
$$HEIGHT Object Height ( inch )
$$WIDTH_MM Object Width (millimeter)
$$HEIGHT_MM Object Height (millimeter)
Component Variables:
$$COMPONENT_ROTATE component rotation (in 0.01 degrees accuracy)
$$COMPONENT_MIRROR component part number mirror (yes / no)
$$COMPONENT_HEIGHT component height
$$COMPONENT_SIDE component side
$$COMPONENT_X component x insert location
$$COMPONENT_Y component y insert location
$$COMPONENT_TYPE component type
$$COMPONENT_VND Manufacturer (VND)
$$COMPONENT_DSC Description (DSC)
$$REFDES reference designator of component.
$$PARTNUMBER component part number (same as $$MPN)
$$PACKAGE component package name (PKG)
$$MPN Part Number
$$MPN1 Alternate Part Number (MPN1)
$$MPN2 Alternate Part Number (MPN2)
$$MPN3 Alternate Part Number (MPN3)
$$CPN Customer Part Number (CPN)
$$IPN Internal Part Number (IPN)
External BOM Variables:
$$BOM_MPN Part Number
$$BOM_MPN1 Alternate Part Number (MPN1)
$$BOM_MPN2 Alternate Part Number (MPN2)
$$BOM_MPN3 Alternate Part Number (MPN3)
$$BOM_CPN Customer Part Number (CPN)
$$BOM_IPN Internal Part Number (IPN)
$$BOM_VND Manufacturer (VND)
$$BOM_DSC Description (DSC)
$$BOM_X_SIZE X Size (Width)
$$BOM_Y_SIZE Y Size (Height)
$$BOM_VPL_MPN VPL: Alternate Part Number (VPL_MPN)
$$BOM_VPL_MPN1 VPL: Alternate Part Number (VPL_MPN1)
$$BOM_VPL_MPN2 VPL: Alternate Part Number (VPL_MPN2)
$$BOM_VPL_MPN3 VPL: Alternate Part Number (VPL_MPN3)
Attribute/Property Variables:
$$#<property_name> value of any object property.
Requires $$# followed by a property name.
Example: "Component Part Name is: $$#PART_NAME"
$$<.attribute> value of any object attribute.
Attribute names always begin with a period .
To review all available attributes, go to menu: Setup | System Attributes | All..
Example: "The Component Height is: $$.comp_height ($$UNITS_SHORT)"
PANEL Variables:
$$PANEL_UNITS units of Panel. Either: inch or millimeter
$$PANEL_UNITS_SHORT units of Panel. Abbreviated units as either: in. or mm.
$$PANEL_WIDTH width of Panel. Panel units will be used.
$$PANEL_HEIGHT height of Panel. Panel units will be used.
$$PANEL_THICKNESS Panel total thickness.
$$PANEL_TOTAL number of jobs inserted into the panel.
$$PANEL_SPACING_X default X spacing between inserted jobs.
$$PANEL_SPACING_Y default Y spacing between inserted jobs.
$$PANEL_MARGIN_LEFT left margin value of panel.
$$PANEL_MARGIN_RIGHT right margin value of panel.
$$PANEL_MARGIN_TOP top margin value of panel.
$$PANEL_MARGIN_BOTTOM bottom margin value of panel.
USER SPECIFIC Dynamic Text Variables:
$$COMPANY_NAME Your company name.
$$CONTACT_NAME Your name.
$$PHONE Your contact phone number.
$$EMAIL Your contact email address.
Note: These values are predefined in the menu: Setup / Options... dialog. Press tab "Misc" and enter the appropriate values such as "Your Name", "Your Company", "Your Email Address", etc. They will then be accessible by Dynamic Text, and other generated reports.
Simon Garrison
Dynamic text variables change textual value of any text string. For example, a variable for the date always displays the current date, as set by the system. Dynamic text variables can be located anywhere within a text string. Dynamic Variables are extremely used during Panelization. They are distinguished by the prefix $$, as in $$DATE-MMDDYY for the current date. FAB3000, ACE 2D/3D Translator, CloudDFM.com, and CAM Library support these dynamic variables.
Note: All Dynamic Text Variables are Case-Sensitive and should be UPPER CASE.
New: CALCULATE MATH Expressions {{ .. }}
(Requires FAB V8.6+) Mathematically calculate values of any Text string inside double brackets {{ ... }} Here's a few examples that calculate the values inside a text label string:
Date/Time Variables:
Common Variables:
Layer Variables:
Object Variables:
Component Variables:
External BOM Variables:
Attribute/Property Variables:
PANEL Variables:
USER SPECIFIC Dynamic Text Variables:
Note: These values are predefined in the menu: Setup / Options... dialog. Press tab "Misc" and enter the appropriate values such as "Your Name", "Your Company", "Your Email Address", etc. They will then be accessible by Dynamic Text, and other generated reports.