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I'm struggling to figure out the process identify parts using the centroid file. Can you help me with that?

I was actually trying to figure out how to use the centroid file to help identify Parts. I imported the centroid file with no problem as well as the Gerber layers, but I'm struggling to figure out the process identify parts using the centroid file. Can you help me with that?

1 Comment

Thanks for your question.

There are two methods:
1.  Convert Centroid (menu: Assembly / Convert External Centroid)

2.  Apply Centroid (menu: Assembly / Apply External Centroid)
Note:  Apply will automatically compare the External Centroid against the manually generated components (you will get several error messages which can be disregarded - because FAB 3000 is letting you know the External Centroid differs from the manually generated components - which is to be expected because I never assigned reference designators).  We will add an option in the future to "Disable Compare External Centroid".

Please view the following tutorial and let me know if it helps.

Best regards,

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