Can I replace a particular Dcode's shape to different shape?
Can I have a group Dcode in FAB 3000 and assign them to one Dcode(especially in paste layer for reducing the amount of solder paste)? For example, can I assign six small circle Dcodes beside each other as one Dcode?
1 Comment
Numerical Support Team
about 14 years ago
1. Can I replace a particular Dcode's shape to different shape? Go to the aperture table (menu: Setup | Aperture Table...), and change the shape for the Dcode.
2. Can I have a group Dcode in FAB 3000 and assign them to one Dcode(especially in paste layer for reducing the amount of solder paste)? For example, can I assign six small circle Dcodes beside each other as one Dcode? Use the feature called Convert to Custom Aperture. Select the objects you want to group, then go to menu: Tools | Convert To | Custom Aperture... Note: If you select "All" for the option "Replace Existing Data", FAB 3000 will search the gerber for all similar matches.
Can I replace a particular Dcode's shape to different shape?
Can I have a group Dcode in FAB 3000 and assign them to one Dcode(especially in paste layer for reducing the amount of solder paste)? For example, can I assign six small circle Dcodes beside each other as one Dcode?