I have one of the silkscreen art file. IN this the component name are mirror image, need to set it correctly , how can i do it? It appears that you have a bottom silk screen layer. Typically the component names are created with mirror images, and then when they are plotted film they are mirrored.
There are two things you can do in FAB 3000. * Mirror the entire layer. A. Select all objects on the silkscreen layer, and goto menu: Edit | Mirror | Horizontal
* During Gerber export (menu: File | Export | Gerber...), select the option "Mirror" for each bottom layer that you wish to mirror. What this will do is set the "Mirror" flag in the Gerber file header, so the gerber will be mirrored during plotting.
If I did not answer your question, please let me know.
Paul Wilson
over 13 years ago
I'm running DFM Now & I'd like to mirror the bottom silkscreen view too. There is no mirror facility under EDIT or anywhere i can see. Can you help on this too?
Numerical Support Team
over 13 years ago
DFM Now! is a free tool that does not allow editing (such as mirror, etc). If you wish to have editing features please try FAB 3000. For a features comparison between DFM Now! and FAB 3000, please view the link below: http://www.numericalinnovations.com/fab3000_compare.html
Numerical Support Team