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My priority is to convert DWG files directly to Gerber files using my AutoDesk Inventor 2011 or AutoCad Mechanical 2011 software.

My priority is to convert DWG files directly to Gerber files using my AutoDesk Inventor 2011 or AutoCad Mechanical 2011 software.
1 Comment

My priority is to convert DWG files directly to Gerber files using my AutoDesk Inventor 2011 or AutoCad Mechanical 2011 software.  Consequently, I have attached a DWG file made with Inventor 2011, and another made by AutoCad Mechanical 2011.  FAB 3000 will not accept either file for translation -- indicates "Unable to process DWG." An attempt to translate the DXF files yields the same message.

Is there a solution to this problem?

When quickly reviewing your DWG files, the reason for the "empty" conversion is that your Drawings only contain entities in "Paper Space".  FAB 3000 requires that entities to be converted are in "model space".  I believe you should have the ability in Inventor to "Export Layout to Model...".  Once you've done this FAB 3000 should be able to convert your DWG or DXF files.
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