Trying to run FAB3000 and it won't load any of my gerbers no matter what I do. I attach the log file. Sometimes I get the error message "Length of input name is not valid." Yet these are files I have loaded with FAB 3000 in the past. Thank you for contacting us.
1. Just reading your attached log, I'm not initially sure what is causing a problem.
2. Does your gerber file name contain irregular or non standard characters like "#,^'". If yes, try renaming those gerber files and remove those non-standard characters. Example: "TopSide#1 '^.gbr" to something more simpler like "TopSide1.gbr".
Why would this matter? FAB 3000 runs on several other computer platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix Solaris, and soon Apple). While Windows will allow non standard characters in a file name like: "#,^'" other platforms do not; to keep consistency FAB 3000 follows the Unix naming standards.
3. Perhaps some FAB 3000 internal file was deleted or infected. Please try downloading & installing the latest version of FAB 3000 and see if that resolves the problem. Note: Your existing license will be automatically detected during installation.
If nothing else works, please feel free to email support ( ) a sample Gerber file that is causing a problem and we'll immediately assist you.
Numerical Support Team
almost 14 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I had to reboot my computer (for reasons unrelated to this problem) and the problem went away. Darn it, this is a brand new machine, too.
Numerical Support Team