After gerber export, an error message appears on both our plotters stating that there is an open outline in the macro.
Numerical Support Team
started a topic
almost 14 years ago
After gerber export, an error message appears on both our plotters stating that there is an open outline in the macro.
1 Comment
Numerical Support Team
almost 14 years ago
I am looking for your help with a gerber file that is unable to be imaged on either of our photoplotters. After being output through FAbit 5.2.6 an error message appear on both plotters stating that there is an open outline in the macro. The customer supplied original file has no problem. I have attached the original and our Fab output file. Below is the error message off one of the machines. Not sure where to go from here. Thanks for sending the file, we will review it shortly and see what happened.
In the meantime, I would recommend selecting any custom flashes that use that "open outline" aperture macro and explode them using the command (menu: Edit | Explode | Flash).
This will convert those custom apertures to simple polygons and allow your gerbers to be imaged on the photo plotter.
Numerical Support Team