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How do I enter data in the Part Number field, for components that I have already created inside FAB 3000?

I have loaded my gerbers, created components using Build Components, and then assigned the reference designators. How do I enter data in the Part Number field, for components that I have already created inside FAB 3000? 
1 Comment

1. If you have an existing BOM file, you can import it (menu: File | Import | BOM file). During import, FAB 3000 will cross check against the components you've created (using the Ref defs you've assigned) and automatically assign PN's, etc. to each component.

2. To create/assign component Part Numbers, Dist. Numbers, Descriptions, etc; please review the BOM table.  Essentially you will add a BOM Item, and then go back to the Centroid Table, and assign each component with the Part Number.  (It's a bit time consuming, and if you have an existing BOM file -- step 1 (above) is the much better way to go.

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