I am having a problem. The software installed OK, but the files (layers) are not displaying properly. The traces are showing minimum width, rather than the full width that they should. Seems to be an import or file format interpretation problem. I am using PADS to generate .pho files. Looks OK in one of your competitor's software.
1 Comment
Numerical Support Team
over 15 years ago
Most likely FAB 3000 cannot find the *.rep files. These are the report files which tell what widths to use in the gerber file. Here are three suggestions:
1. Try using our feature called "AutoLoad" (located in FAB 3000 menu: File | Import | AutoLoad..."), and select the folder that contains both the *.pho files and *.rep files. FAB 3000 will automatically sort & load everything.
2. If possible from your PADS software, output gerbers as RS-274X. This is the newer gerber format, and the *.rep file is placed inside the Gerber files (*.pho).
3. If you are still not getting it to load correctly into FAB 3000, e-mail those *.pho & *.rep (in a zip file) to support@numericalinnovations.com , and we'll create an online movie tutorial showing how to load the files.
Numerical Support Team