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How do I de-selection an element that was inadvertently selected during the drag box select?

When selecting the component holes when building a component, is
there any way of de-selecting an element that was inadvertently selected during the drag box select or better yet can the pads be selected individually with out the drag box?
1 Comment

When selecting the component holes when building a component, is
there any way of de-selecting an element that was inadvertently selected during the drag box select or better yet can the pads be selected individually with out the drag box?

Yes, both can be done. Essentially FAB 3000 has 3 selection modes: Standard (which is default), Add, Subtract.

1. Using 'Subtract Selection' mode:
On the FAB 3000 toolbar (located top/right) there is a "green minus" icon (next to the plus icon). This option is called "Subtract Selection Mode".  Simply activate that toolbar button, and then select any objects you want removed (from your existing selection set).

2. Using 'Add Selection' Mode:
On the FAB 3000 toolbar (located top/right) there is a "green plus" icon (next to the minus icon). This option is called "Add Selection Mode".  Simply activate that toolbar button, and then select any objects you want added to your existing selection set.

Note: This allows you to select individually without having to use a drag box.

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