For security reasons, how can I scrub customer data on gerber files?
Numerical Support Team
started a topic
almost 16 years ago
In general, this simply involves deleting logos, names, etc on the silkscreen layers.
1. Load Gerbers: A. If they're zipped, then use menu: File | Import | Zipped (Compressed File)... B. If they're in a folder, then use menu: File | Import | Autoload... (and select the folder where the gerber files for a pcb exist).
Note: FAB 3000 will automatically load in your gerbers & drills.
2. Once you find the customer data you want scrubbed, select those objects (goto menu: Edit | Selection) and then Delete (menu: Edit | Delete). Note: Both of these options can be access by using Rt-Click menu.
3. Export new fresh set of gerber files. File | Export | Gerber...
Note: Make sure to export to a different folder, and then send those file out
There are two protection advantages: A. The customers information is no longer displayed in the gerbers. B. Most gerber files contain hidden information about the designer & their design software used (look at your gerber files in a simple text viewer like notepad.exe to prove tis point). Gerber files outputted from FAB 3000 will not include any hidden information about your designer & CAD system.
Numerical Support Team
1. Load Gerbers:
A. If they're zipped, then use menu: File | Import | Zipped (Compressed File)...
B. If they're in a folder, then use menu: File | Import | Autoload... (and select the folder where the gerber files for a pcb exist).
Note: FAB 3000 will automatically load in your gerbers & drills.
2. Once you find the customer data you want scrubbed, select those objects (goto menu: Edit | Selection) and then Delete (menu: Edit | Delete).
Note: Both of these options can be access by using Rt-Click menu.
3. Export new fresh set of gerber files. File | Export | Gerber...
Note: Make sure to export to a different folder, and then send those file out
There are two protection advantages:
A. The customers information is no longer displayed in the gerbers.
B. Most gerber files contain hidden information about the designer & their design software used (look at your gerber files in a simple text viewer like notepad.exe to prove tis point). Gerber files outputted from FAB 3000 will not include any hidden information about your designer & CAD system.