I use Solid Hatches in my DXF however I notice duplicate data in my gerber.
Numerical Support Team
started a topic
almost 16 years ago
I use Solid Hatches in my DXF however I notice duplicate data in my gerber.
1 Comment
Numerical Support Team
almost 16 years ago
This usually happens when the AutoCAD drafter uses construction objects like lines, arcs, and polylines to help generate Solid Hatch boundaries, but then forgets to remove those construction objects (or place them onto a different layer). AutoCAD doesn't do a good job of displaying overlapping data so those construction objects usually remain hidden and become forgotten by the AutoCAD drafter.
Then when ACE converts the DXF both the Solid Hatch and the construction objects are converted resulting in duplicate data (ie. 2 boundaries). Duplicated data is never recommended and usually causes some type of difficulties.
Fortunately ACE has a DXF Import option "Hatch Mode", which can control what objects from the DXF are imported.
Include All Hatches: Hatches will be processed.
Ignore All Hatches: Hatches will be omitted.
Import Hatches Only: Hatches will be processed. Construction lines, arcs, circles etc will be ignored.
To correct the problem, please perform either the following:
1. During DXF import, click tab "Option" and change the setting "Hatch Mode:" to "Import Hatches Only". Note: This will cause ACE to ignore the overlapping LWPolyline, and only convert the solid hatch.
2. During DXF import, click tab "Option" and change the setting "Hatch Mode:" to "Ignore All Hatches". Note: This will cause ACE to ignore the overlapping solid hatch, and only convert the LWPolyline.
Numerical Support Team