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ACE Translator 3000 (CAD to EDA Translator)
ACE Translator 3000 (CAD to EDA Translator)
I have a gerber file that contains polygons with arcs. I need to extract the individual arc & line segments from those polygons and export to DXF.
Numerical Support Team
started a topic
almost 16 years ago
Please perform the following to get ACE to perform your desired conversion.
hoose Import Format "Gerber", and Export Format "DXF".
Select your sample gerber file.
Gerber Import Option: "Explode Polygons" - Set Checked! (click Next)
DXF Export Option: "Output Paths As:" choose "Lines and Arcs"
DXF Export Option: "Output Arcs" - Set Checked
Keep clicking next and then select the DXF file to be exported. You should get a DXF file with just lines & arcs.
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Numerical Support Team
Keep clicking next and then select the DXF file to be exported. You should get a DXF file with just lines & arcs.