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I have a gerber file with all holes for my Drill, and assigned the Layer type as Drill Thru-hole. However when I go to export the Drill file, I receive a message that I can't. Why?

Your Gerber files may contain the circles, however Gerber does not have the NC data (i.e Tool Number, Size, etc.) that is required to export a proper Drill file.

FAB 3000 can automatically generate this information for you using the command "Gerber to Drill".

1. Convert Gerber to drill.  ( menu: Fabrication | Generate NC Drill/Rout | Convert Layer to Drill...)

2. For the option "Gerber Layer", select the layer that contains the circles, review the other options and press OK.

3.  A new drill layer has now been created.  You'll now see "clear target" symbols where your Gerber circles existed.  These are drill hits that contain a tool number, size, and everything else required to export a drill file.

4. Now export that new drill layer to a drill file (menu: File | Export | Drill).

Here's a related topic which may be helpful,

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