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Attached are the gerber files for the 4 boards that I would like to combine on 1 panel. I’ve also included a drawing of the panel layout.

The most common method to create a panel is to use our "automated" Panel Wizard.  However the panel may not perfectly match what you have defined in the PDF.

There are several ways you can create your exact panel in less than a few minutes using FAB 3000.

I have created a tutorial movie (no sound) showing me import each of your PCB's and place into separate jobs.  All other tutorials (below) will start from the end of this point.     


(1)  MANUAL.  In this initial movie I will demonstrate how to manually create your panel in less than 3 minutes.

(2) MATRIX FILE.  A FAB 3000 matrix file can be written to automate the panel (or even LUA app could be written).  Here's a a tutorial movie showing a Matrix file I wrote that will automate your panel generation.

Note:  Here's the matrix file I wrote, which you can review.

Thanks again, and please let me know if I can assist you further.

Best regards,


This helps quite a bit.  Do you also need to add the V-score information, so the board house knows where to separate the boards and rails?  Sorry if some of these questions seem basic.  It seems to me that most of your tutorials are for people who are pretty familiar with what a board house requires and the proper creation of gerbers.

Thanks for your quick response.  Typically score lines are extracted from the border layer (which FAB 3000 already outputs).  However there will be a problem for many manufacturers when trying to score your proposed panel (see link below):

Note:  We can make FAB 3000 extend the score lines to the panel edge (and we'll add it to the update of FAB 3000 next week), however most PCB manufactures will simply take the border lines and adjust them to best suite their scoring capabilities.

Thanks again.

Best regards,


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