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Viewing Netlist Comparison Errors


Please view the following tutorial movie:

Here's the link to that Generated Netlist Error Report file:

Here's the notes from my tutorial:

COMPARE CUSTOMER NETLIST and Generate Snapshot Report of any errors:

1. Extract Netlist from Gerber files. Go to menu:  Tools / Nets / Netlist Extraction...
2. Import customer Netlist file.

Note:  FAB 3000 gives you a graphical view of the customer netlist.

3. Run Netlist Comparison.  Go to menu:  Tools / Nets / Netlist Compare...

Note: This command compares the customer netlist against the Gerbers.

4. If Errors are detected FAB 3000 will highlight them and you may follow along net to find the error.

Note:  The error appears to be here as there is a "missing trace connection"

5. To generate a netlist error report is as easy as pressing the PDF button.

Note: The PDF can be shared with anyone and helps explain the results of any netlist compare error.
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