If Device #1 (i.e client computer), is working fine then your server's floating license setup is good.
If Device #2 is not able to checkout a license because of either:
- Computer #1 already checked out the license, so computer #2 will have to wait until computer #1 releases that license back to the server. Solution: You can request additional floating license, contact our sales for pricing and delivery, https://www.numericalinnovations.com/pages/subscribe
- If the license is available, then for Computer#2 you may need to set the environment variable NUMINNO_LICENSE_FILE (so it can ask the server to checkout a license), https://support.numericalinnovations.com/support/solutions/articles/14000026040-how-do-i-create-the-lm-license-file-variable-on-the-client-computers-