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How to manually use the PCB Preflight API

  1. Go to the API Dashboard.
  2. Press the button "New API Job".
  3. Select your Key Token (used to track the PCB Prefight API jobs)
  4. Select a single zip file (a matrix blob is preferred).
  5. Wait until PCB Preflight has finished processing your Matrix Blob.
  6. Click the "Finished" API Job from the list and you will have access to all generated files.

Note:  For some users that's all they need. Write a matrix file which tells PCB Preflight what you want done, upload the blob (*.zip), and use the resulting generated files. 

However most people will want to automate this entire process: Create and upload the Matrix Blob, process job, and parse the resulting JSON file to suit your requirements -- all done by machine without any human interaction.

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